
Chapter 3 

“How did she react to four bags yesterday?” Dr. Holden asked Jacob as they went to Artemis.
Artemis was strapped to a table currently standing upright with her legs and arms far apart. Wires were attached all over her and the heart monitor beeped every couple of seconds. Her hair was cut nearly to her scalp her head hung down on her chest, eyes closed in pain. The straps had made raw rings around her wrists and ankles when she fought them due to the shock treatments or the Blue IV’s. 
Dr. Holden lifted Artemis’s chin and opened her eyes to shine a light on them. Artemis’s eyes were nearly completely black, what was left of her natural brown was molding with the Blue and continually changing. She dropped the girl’s chin and read the ever-growing paper from one of the machines by Artemis’s side. 
“Well enough, ma’am,” Jacob replied. “It seems to have given her more strength, though, and she fights harder than normal.”
“And Demeter,” Holden went on. “Is she still blind?”
“Demeter is only able to see in black and white right now. Apollo is complaining that the lights are too bright and is suffering from a severe migraine. Hephaistos is almost too strong for us to be able to restrain. Athena has been unconscious for the last two days. Ares is angrier than ever and has somehow learned the entire curse word dictionary, he’s using it well, though.” Jacob told her.
“And this one is becoming more defiant than before, which I thought would be hard.” Holden looked at Artemis and adjusted a loose wire on the girl’s chest.
Artemis lifted her head a little and managed a pained grin. “You don’t think much then.”
Holden smiled and grabbed Artemis’s chin roughly in her hand. “You never cease to amaze me, Artemis. All these years and thousands of injections and surgeries, and still you find the strength to have a smart mouth.”
“I’ve got to keep my spirits up somehow,” Artemis replied.  She grimaced and closed her eyes as Holden released her. 
“Well, let me break them completely.” Holden turned to Jacob and grabbed his notepad and pen. “Give her eight bags today.”
“Yes, eight. Three bags now, then thirty minutes of shock followed by two more bags. After that, an hour of shock and another two bags. I think another thirty minutes of shock treatment and the last bag give to her while she’s submerged in the green pool.”
Artemis struggled against her restraints and tears fell from her eyes as she gasped from fear. “Holden, you can’t.” She tried to look at the woman, trying to beg for her life. “You could kill me with that much Blue. Please, Holden.”
Holden handed the pad and pen back to Jacob, who looked down and turned her icy eyes on Artemis. “Then we will simply start over, Artemis, with someone even younger than you were. We need the very best soldiers, people who will not beg for their lives because they are afraid of a little pain. Because of your pathetic pleading, Artemis, you have granted your fellow soldiers to the same fate as you. And tomorrow we will give you nine. Every day from here on out we will up the Blue bags and the shock treatments until your bodies either give out or accept the changes. You will do what we want, Artemis, whether you like it or not, and you will do it soon.”
Holden stormed from the room and Jacob bowed his head to Artemis before turning to follow her. Artemis stared after her captors with a new hatred. She would never give up this fight, not until it killed her. She was sick of going on missions and shooting everyone in sight, hunting down those who dared to hide and coming back to Holden in a shock collar. She was sick of killing the innocent and the elderly just because they lived. She was sick of being a lab rat for Holden and her cold heart. 
Two people entirely dressed in white with gloves on came into her room carrying the eight bags of glowing blue liquid between them. The Blue was thick and sticky and burned like acid in her veins as it ran through her body. The worst part was when it hit her heart. That pain was indescribable.
The two set to work sticking one IV in each arm and one directly in her heart. Three bags hung on the stand and the long white tube connected to them easily. Artemis pulled her restraints and despite her resolve to not show fear, watching them connect everything together made her lightheaded. Tears fell freely from her eyes and ran down her thin face, falling quickly to the ground. 
They turned the little nob and the Blue slowly made its way towards her. She gasped loudly now and pulled harshly down on her wrists as she watched it inch its way closer. She heard screaming on her right and she jerked her head to stare at the blank wall. Someone else started screaming right in front of her and she looked at the closed door. So much pain, such agony, and no one cared to stop it. No one cared that they were experimenting on children. 
Artemis turned her eyes back to the IV’s and the Blue was an inch away from her. She laid her head back and closed her eyes as tears continued down her face. Her heart was racing, her chest was rising and falling too fast. She could hear the tormented screams all around her and she knew in a matter of seconds her’s would join them.
Her back arched. Her whole body pulled against the straps. Her eyes flew open. Artemis screamed.

Artemis bolted upwards gasping for air. Sweat ran down her body as her heart hammered against her chest. Artemis grabbed her Blue and opened the top a little so that just a whiff of it would escape. She breathed it in, and immediate relief washed over her. Her heart slowed to its normal rhythm, she felt cooler, and her extreme fear and pain vanished. She fell back on the pillows and took deep breaths as she came back onto herself. Everything was sore and stiff, she felt like she hadn’t moved in a week. She pushed the covers back and forced her legs over the side. She rubbed her thighs roughly to try and get the blood moving again, then stood on shaking legs. She leaned against the bed and rolled her shoulders as she tried to move.
The bedroom was dimly lit and after blinking a few times, Artemis could easily see. The room was large with two walls nothing but windows from floor to ceiling while the other two walls were a dark gray. The floor was covered in thick black carpet and felt like she was floating on air. The wall the bed was against had metals shelves all around it covered in expensive looking things and some books. The king bed was more comfortable than anything Artemis was used to and had a gray comforter and blue and black billows. 
There were two doors on the bed's left side, Artemis guessed one lead to the rest of the apartment and the other to the bathroom. Artemis noticed another door on the bed’s side and she walked to it slowly, still trying to get her muscles to move properly. The door opened easily and the room lit up to show shelves filled with suits and dress shoes. There was a small section in the far back right that had normal clothes of torn shirts, old jeans, and paint covered boots which Artemis found strange. There was a chest of drawers behind the door with little notes on each drawer that read “women,” Artemis grinned. 
She opened the top drawer and there were a dozen new bras inside their original packaging. The next two drawers were the same and the two under that had underwear. The bottom drawer just had socks and care products. Artemis grabbed the correct sizes and a razor and went to the bathroom to clean up.
The bathroom was large and made of nothing but shiny black slate. A glass shower with enough room for four people was on the back wall. A considerable tub was on the other side of the shower and took up the rest of the back wall. There was a door on the other side of the single sink vanity, and Artemis assumed it was for the toilet. There was a long mirror over the sink and an Eddison bulb hanging over it. The room was somehow comfortable even with all of this black and no windows.
Artemis turned on the hot water in the shower and used the restroom. She brushed her teeth quickly as the glass fogged over from the shower's steam and ran her hands through her loose hair, assuming Jet was the one responsible for it being down. She opened the glass door and held her hand out to the near scorching water, then hurriedly undressed and jumped in. 
The hot water washed away the dirt and grime from the other night, as well as her soreness. Artemis washed with expensive shampoo and conditioned her hair until it was smooth and hung about her comfortably. She stayed in the shower until the water ran cold and her skin was so red she could have been a lobster. She turned the shower off and grabbed a think black towel which hung by the shower door, then wrapped it around herself tightly.
Her shaggy legs were smooth once more and soon enough she was dressed in borrowed clothes and expensive make-up.
Clean, dressed and her hair dried straight, Artemis felt more alive and awake. She left her hair to fall loosely down her back, but grabbed a ponytail in case she changed her mind. She tossed her clothes in the hamper and left the bathroom. Artemis changed the bed sheets and threw the dirty ones in with her clothes. The sun was higher now and she could tell the glass was darker to account for more light. She made sure the room was clean before leaving, thinking how she was strange for already being comfortable in this place. 
The rest of the apartment mirrored the bed and bathroom. Black tile floors, nothing but windows along the walls, open floor plan. The living room was on the right side and had two overstuffed couches and four comfortable looking chairs facing windows. There was a glass coffee table in the center and not a single thing sat on top of it, making the space look more like a high-end hotel than an actual living place. 
The kitchen was on the left and large with a massive counter in it. The cabinets were gray and floor to ceiling with glass doors. There was an industrial stove and refrigerator on the back wall separated by shiny black marble counter space. The sink was stainless steel and large enough to bathe a child or medium-sized dog.  
On the far left side was a large steel bar with six stools in the front. On the far right wall past the living area was a pool table and several stools surrounding it. Surprisingly, there were low bookshelves in the center of the space with two comfortable looking chairs in the square. The shelves were literally stuffed with books, easily showing which ones had been read more than once and which ones were new. 
Artemis didn’t see Jet anywhere, which was easy to do because the view was only blocked by the kitchen and the elevators. She started for the kitchen and saw a plate covered with some plastic and a note taped to the top. Artemis snatched it up and sighed happily as she saw it was dated for today.

Fresh this morning! Will be back up at noon to make lunch. Make yourself at home!

Artemis yanked the cover off and her mouth watered. A pile of sausage, some eggs, a handful of purple grapes and a single piece of toast sat in front of her. Everything was still warm and aside from the toast being a bit soggy, it smelled heavenly. Starving, Artemis shoveled the food into her mouth and finished the large meal in minutes. It would take a few days of regular meals for her stomach and appetite to go back to normal and she knew it, but right now she could only think about how hungry she actually was. All too soon her meal was gone, though, and her stomach growled in protest. 
The note had said to make herself at home, but she knew better than to actually do that. He didn’t understand the words he’d written and she didn’t want to be rude and eat him out of house and home, not when he had yet to show her his true feelings.  
She washed her dishes and put them in the dishwasher, then went and sat on a couch. Not sure what to do now, she reached up and grabbed the two Blue bottles hanging around her neck. She gripped Are’s tightly, her chest constricting in pain at the thought of him. He would never again use Blue. Never would he train with her or try new potions from Luke. He would never hold her again, never keep her warm at night. 
Artemis was alone now. Completely and totally. She’d never been alone before, not like this. Even when she’d been with the government Artemis had known there were others like her. Now…
Artemis jumped up and shook her head. She had to stop thinking like this. She had to pull herself together before she hurt herself. Trying not to think about things which cause pain, though, only makes you think of it more. 
Her chest grew tighter and she felt the walls were closing in around her. Each breath was a reminder that she had lived when everyone she’d ever loved was gone forever and would never breathe again. She closed her eyes and only saw the faces of those she lost. 
Demeter falling from the upper floors dead onto the ground beside her. Hephaistos trying to help Apollo and being shot. Luke trying to help Athena and being shot. Athena, dazed and bleeding, taking one step forward and falling face first dead. Apollo dying from a poisoned bullet while trying to help her. Ares dying in her arms while telling her not to give up and he loved her. 
Ares. His last kiss.
Loud ringing in her ears left Artemis breathless. Suddenly the light outside wasn’t beautiful, it was a spotlight on her location. She staggered and fell to the floor clutching her head with both of her hands. Her heart pounded against her chest and her breaths were shallow.
A hand touched her shoulder and Artemis called out and jerked away. She jumped to her feet and took a fighting stance without even opening her eyes. 
Artemis struggled to see who was there and just made out Jet. He stood with his hands spread apart to show her he had nothing in them and his eyes looked over her worriedly. Artemis relaxed and crumbled to the ground once more. 
Pain coursed through her body reaching to the tips of her fingers and toes. Every human cell in her body was awake and fighting with the Blue ones. Her hands shaking, Artemis grabbed her Blue bottle and released the top to allow just a little bit free. She breathed in deeply and immediately her insides became numb. Soon enough her human cells would be silenced and she could breathe normally. She fell on her hands and knees and took deep, shaking breaths as she tried to calm down. 
“Artemis,” Jet asked carefully.
Artemis picked her head up a little and dropped it again, too weak to keep the simple motion up for too long. The ringing in her ears was quieter than before, but the throbbing in her head had her swaying. 
“Can I help you to the couch?”
Artemis thought about it for a moment and slowly nodded her head once. Jet gently lifted her into his arms and carried her to the couch, then laid her down and made sure her head was propped up by the pillows. She felt something cold touch the back of her hand and opened her eyes enough to see a bottled water being held out to her. She took it and sipped the cool water a few times, then closed her eyes and let herself fall into the couch. Her pain was fading fast now and the ringing was completely gone. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.  
“You scared me, Artemis.” Jet finally broke the silence. 
“I’m sorry,” Artemis replied. She opened her eyes and looked at Jet apologetically, her cheeks turning red. “I’ll try not to let it happen again.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Jet said quickly. He sat down on the opposite couch and rubbed his hands together. “I was really worried about you not waking up for a week. I wanted to call my sister,”
“What?” Artemis bolted up and looked towards the door, her chest rising and falling too quickly. 
“I didn’t!” Jet said, his hands outstretched in an attempt to make her believe him and calm down. “My sister is a doctor, but I didn’t call her. I didn’t call anyone, I swear.”
Artemis relaxed a little and closed her eyes. “I didn’t mean to scare you, Jet, I was just worried. I didn’t mean to scare you the other day either. I thought I was healed enough when I released my Blue. If I’d thought properly I would have waited.”
Artemis pushed herself into a sitting position and rubbed her temple. She could not do that again. She could not have a breakdown, not if she wanted to stay alive. Jet was taking care of her only for the moment, she needed to pull herself together so she could make it on her own when the time came. Or, at least, make it better on her own.
“Honestly, Artemis, if you had slept any longer I would have called my sister. I thought you might,” he paused and looked down. “Anyway, I got an alarm there was motion upstairs and I knew you were up. I didn’t want to bother you first thing, so I waited a couple of hours before coming up here. Should I be glad I came when I did?”
“If you would like,” Artemis replied softly. “I’m not going to make my attacks a regular thing, yet if it should happen again, please do not touch me. It hurts,” she finished in a whisper. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“How could you?” Artemis looked at him and tried for a smile, but she was too filled with pain to pull it off successfully. “So, how is this going to work?”
Jet tilted his head and looked at her questioningly. “How is what going to work?”
“My living here. Your normal life.”
“Oh,” Jet leaned back and crossed his fingers. “Well, I normally throw a New Year’s and Christmas party, and those are already done, so we are fine for a while. I hardly ever go into the office because I prefer to work from home. I only go into the office when summoned. I spend most of my time in my gym or workshop. Honestly, I just come up here to eat and sleep."
"That's nice you can work from home," Artemis said with a glance around the room.
“As long as you are here you may do whatever you want. The floor right beneath this one is the gym and it is filled with all of the latest and greatest in technology. There is no maid or cook you have to worry about, I do all of that myself. The bedroom is yours while you are here, I’ve already grown accustomed to the couch.” Jet rolled his shoulders and clapped his hands together as though everything was perfectly explained. 
“There’s a lot of women’s things in the dresser in the closet.” Artemis said. “You must have many lady callers up here.”
Jet blushed and looked down. “Actually, no. In fact, a woman hasn’t slept in my bed in the last six year.”
“Then why,”
“To keep up appearances,” Jet interrupted. “Plenty of girls come up here, but none sleep in my bed. I always get them dead drunk and have them delivered back home with no memory of what actually happened. They assume what we’ve done, certainly the drivers do, and I play along with whatever story they come up with and share.”
“So you don’t,” Artemis paused. 
“Of course, I do,” Jet said sharply. He looked offended as he added, “I just don’t do it in my own bed. Either it happens at their place or whatever hotel I’m staying in at the time and then I send them on their way or I leave.”
Artemis grinned and shook her head. “I don’t understand you at all, Jet.”
“And you never will.” Jet replied with a crooked grin. “I’ve never told anyone the truth before, but something tells me you can keep a secret.”
Artemis nodded and looked away. She reached up and grabbed the Blue necklaces around her neck and held them tightly. Two. Now and forever, she’d carry two Blues.


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