
Hello, bloggers

I am an aspiring author and this blog is just for that- my writing. At least once a week I will publish a chapter on this here blog and hope you will read it, make suggestions, and help me on my writing journey. I want to know what people think of my writing style. Is it too childish? Is it too serious? Is it too much? Am I wordy? I want honest- not hateful- opinions.

Chapters I publish on this blog will not be from books I am trying to publish, simply other books I am working on. I want to know if people would bother spending their hard earned cash on something I have written.

I am currently working on four completely different series, one of which I am self publishing. Depending on how this goes, I might be willing to share bits from the book being published. Two series I know I will be writing start to finish on this blog.

As these books are being written for the first time here, I want to know what you- the reader- would like to happen. The endings have been decided, the middle is up for grabs. What do you want to happen to my lead characters? What horrible thing should speed them on their journey? What's something sweet and romantic I should pause and reflect on for a while?

I want your help becoming a better a writer. I know what I like to read and base my writing on that, but I can be better. Help me to become the best I can be.

Until next time.



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