
Showing posts from November, 2017

Stella Constinight

                                                                                   Stella                                                                                                                                                    Introduction “How much farther do we have to go?” “Just over the little bridge there.” “We have to hurry, she’s getting worse.” I stumbled and fell to my knees. Wrapping my arms around my waist, I cried and rocked back and forth. My hood fell back and revealed my fiery red hair to the day’s dark sky. I shivered as pains stabbed in my chest. “We can’t stop now, Constellation.” Father’s arms wrapped around me and he yanked me up. I opened my mouth to scream, and a hand clasped over my mouth just as quickly, barely containing the sound. The pains traveled to my arms and legs now, and I shook my head as the tears fell. “Please, Constellation, hold on.” Mummzie pleaded with me in a whisper. She removed her hand from my mouth


Hello, bloggers I am an aspiring author and this blog is just for that- my writing. At least once a week I will publish a chapter on this here blog and hope you will read it, make suggestions, and help me on my writing journey. I want to know what people think of my writing style. Is it too childish? Is it too serious? Is it too much? Am I wordy? I want honest- not hateful- opinions. Chapters I publish on this blog will not be from books I am trying to publish, simply other books I am working on. I want to know if people would bother spending their hard earned cash on something I have written. I am currently working on four completely different series, one of which I am self publishing. Depending on how this goes, I might be willing to share bits from the book being published. Two series I know I will be writing start to finish on this blog. As these books are being written for the first time here, I want to know what you- the reader- would like to happen. The endings h